Extent and condition of Protected Areas
Last updated: 2024
Latest data available: 2024
This indicator shows the extent of UK protected areas both on land and at sea. The 2 extent measures are a calculation of the net (non-overlapping) extent of protected areas using mean high water as the boundary between the on-land and at-sea measures.
The indicator also shows the condition of terrestrial and coastal features on Areas or Sites of Special Scientific Interest (A/SSSIs). A/SSSIs are designated for their ‘features’ – habitats or species which give them their scientific interest. Each country in the UK assesses the condition of features and reports either the area or the number of features in favourable or unfavourable-recovering condition. These assessments are converted to percentages in this indicator, to allow them to be combined, but the percentage does not equate exactly to the area that is favourable or unfavourable-recovering.
The data for this indicator can be downloaded from JNCC’s Resource Hub. We also have a similar indicator at the England level.
Type of indicator
State indicator
Type of official statistic
Official statistic
- Assessment of change
Key results
- Figure 1. Extent of UK nationally and internationally important protected areas: (a) on land and (b) at sea, 1950 to 2024
- Figure 2. Cumulative proportion of Areas of Special Scientific Interest (Northern Ireland) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest Scotland, (Wales (from 2022) and England(from 2024)) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, 2005 to 2024.
Further detail
- Figure 3. Cumulative proportion of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, 2005 to 2024.
- Figure 4. Cumulative proportion of Special Protection Areas (SPA) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, 2005 to 2024.
- Relevance
- International/domestic reporting
- Web links for further information
- Acknowledgements
- Technical annex
Assessment of change
Assessment of change in extent and condition of UK protected areas.
Measure | Assessment | Time period | Result |
Total extent of protected areas:on land | Long term | 1950 to 2024 | Improving |
Total extent of protected areas:on land | Short term | 2019 to 2024 | Little to no overall change |
Total extent of protected areas:at sea | Long term | 1950 to 2024 | Improving |
Total extent of protected areas:at sea | Short term | 2019 to 2024 | Improving |
Condition of A/SSSIs | Long term | 1950 to 2024 | Insufficient or no comparable data |
Condition of A/SSSIs | Short term | 2019 to 2024 | Insufficient or no comparable data |
Notes on indicator assessment:
- Long- and short-term assessments are based on a 3% rule of thumb. Where possible, the base years for these assessments use a three-year average. See Assessing Indicators.
- Natural England have provided SSSI condition data for 2024 based on the number of features. Historical data for Natural England is based on area assessments. Assessments of change have not been reported for A/SSSI condition as historical data is not comparable.
Key results
The total extent of land and sea protected in the UK through national and international protected areas, and through wider landscape designations, has increased by 12million hectares (MHa), from 28.6 MHa in December 2019 to 40.6 MHa as at 31 March 2024 (Figure 1). This increase is almost entirely down to the designation of inshore and offshore marine protected areas (MPAs). The extent of protected areas on land has increased by 5,564 hectares since 2019.
The proportion of Areas or Sites of Special Scientific Interest (A/SSSIs) in favourable condition or in an unfavourable condition but recovering, has increased from 67% in 2005 to 81% in 2024. These results include data from Scotland and Northern Ireland up to 2021, and Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales from 2022 to 2024. Natural England have provided SSSI condition data for 2024 based on the number of features. Historical data for Natural England, based on area assessments, is not comparable and has not been included in this indicator. Figure 2 shows results both with and without data for England for 2024.
Due to these changes in the data, assessments of change have not been reported for A/SSSI condition as historical data is not comparable.
Figure 1. Extent of UK nationally and internationally important protected areas: (a) on land and (b) at sea, 1950 to 2024
Source: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, NatureScot
Notes about Figure 1:
- The boundary between protected areas on land and at sea is mean high water (mean high water springs in Scotland). Coastal sites in the indicator are split between ‘on land’ and ‘at sea’ if they cross the mean high water mark. At-sea extent includes offshore marine protected areas out to the limit of the UK continental shelf. The area of UK sea is calculated at 88.543 million hectares.
- Extent is based on the following site designations: Areas of Special Scientific Interest (Northern Ireland), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England, Scotland and Wales), National Nature Reserves, Marine Conservation Zones, Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas, Ramsar Sites, Special Areas of Conservation (including candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Sites of Community Importance), Special Protection Areas, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Scenic Areas, National Parks.
Figure 2. Cumulative proportion of Areas of Special Scientific Interest (Northern Ireland) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest Scotland, (Wales (from 2022) and England(from 2024)) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, 2005 to 2024.
Source: Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, NatureScot
Notes about Figure 2:
- Figures from all countries are based on number of features.
- Based on data to the end of March, except in 2006 and 2008, when data are to end of December. Data were not collated in 2007.
- Imputation has been used to calculate the breakdown between favourable and unfavourable-recovering for Northern Ireland for the years 2009 to 2011.
- Figures exclude condition of Areas/Sites of Special Scientific Interest notified for geological features only.
- The 2024 data include new information from Wales which has only been available from 2022.
- Figures for Wales for 2024 have been carried forward from 2023.
- Natural England previously reported data based on area. From 2024 onwards, assessments are conducted based on the number of features. Historical data for Natural England is not comparable and has not been included in these figures.
Further detail
As at 31 March 2024, almost 6.8 MHa of land and freshwater have been designated under national and international legislation – representing nearly 28% of the land area of the UK (Table 1). As at 31 March 2024, a further 33.8 MHa of UK seas, both within the 12 nautical mile limit and offshore, have also been designated, representing 38% of UK waters (based on the UK continental shelf limit). In all cases when new designation types were added to the indicator, the series was recalculated, so those new site types appear in all years for which is valid that they do so.
Table 1. Extent and percentage cover of protected areas by country, as at 31 March 2024, for all site types included in the indicator
Country | On land (M Ha) | On Land (Percentage) | At sea (M ha) | At sea (Percentage) |
England | 3.45 | 26.4% | 9.27 | 40.3% |
Scotland | 2.33 | 29.6% | 22.76 | 36.9% |
Wales | 0.61 | 29.4% | 1.55 | 50.3% |
Northern Ireland | 0.40 | 28.4% | 0.24 | 35.6% |
United Kingdom | 6.79 | 27.8% | 33.82 | 38.2% |
For comparison, the same figures for the terrestrial A/SSSI, MCZ, NCMPA, NNR, Ramsar, Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA) site designations are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Extent and percentage cover of terrestrial protected areas by country, as at 31 March 2024 for A/SSSI, MCZ, NCMPA, NNR, Ramsar, SAC and SPA site designations.
Country | On land (M Ha) | On land (Percentage) |
England | 0.85 | 6.5% |
Scotland | 1.39 | 17.6% |
Wales | 0.22 | 10.6% |
Northern Ireland | 0.14 | 9.8% |
United Kingdom | 2.59 | 10.6% |
Table 2 in effect excludes the landscape-scale site types (AONBs, NSAs and National Parks). It only shows the terrestrial sites, as these are not considered to support marine features directly, so the marine figures would not change compared to Table 1.
Figures 3 and 4 provide analogous information to that in Figure 2, but for features protected on SACs and SPAs.
Figure 3. Cumulative proportion of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, 2005 to 2024.
Source: Natural Resources Wales, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, NatureScot
Notes about Figure 3:
- Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland figures based on number of features.
- Figures not available for Northern Ireland (2020) and Wales (2021). Values have been carried forward from 2019 (Northern Ireland) and 2020 (Wales).
- Natural England have implemented improved quality assurance procedures which underpin the data for England, leading to delays that have prevented us from updating these data in 2024. Defra and Natural England are working together to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
- Based on data to the end of March, except in 2006 and 2008, when data are to end of December. Data were not collated in 2007.
- Imputation has been used to calculate the breakdown between favourable and unfavourable-recovering for Northern Ireland for the years 2009 to 2011, and for Wales for the years 2008 to 2012.
- Includes candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Sites of Community Importance (except Scotland). Includes coastal but not offshore sites.
Figure 4. Cumulative proportion of Special Protection Areas (SPA) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, 2005 to 2024.
Source: Natural Resources Wales, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, NatureScot.
Notes about Figure 4:
- Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland figures based on number of features.
- Figures not available for Northern Ireland (2020) and Wales (2021). Values have been carried forward from 2019 (Northern Ireland) and 2020 (Wales).
- Natural England have implemented improved quality assurance procedures which underpin the data for England, leading to delays that have prevented us from updating these data in 2024. Defra and Natural England are working together to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
- Based on data to the end of March, except in 2006 and 2008, when data are to end of December. Data were not collated in 2007.
- The figures for December 2006 were calculated by imputation based on the figures in March 2005 and December 2008 for England, as a breakdown was not provided.
- Includes coastal but not offshore sites.
The proportion of sites in favourable or unfavourable-recovering condition increased slightly from 57% in 2005 to 59% in 2024 for SACs. In the case of SPAs, this same measure decreased from 81% in 2005 to 66% in 2024. The proportion in unfavourable-recovering condition has slightly increased from 12% in 2005 to 13% in 2024 for SACs, and a slight decrease from 2% to 1.6% for SPAs. These results do not include data for England.
Designation and management of protected areas are key mechanisms for taking action to reverse the loss of biodiversity. These protected areas cover many of the most valuable sites for biodiversity in the UK with associated legal mechanisms for safeguarding habitats and species. Wider landscape designations have a number of purposes, including conservation and public enjoyment.
In a densely populated country like the UK, where the landscape and habitats have been modified by centuries of use, protected areas often need to be actively managed to ensure the species and habitats they contain persist into the future. The condition indicator is a measure of the outcomes of management action and conservation policy on protected areas.
International/domestic reporting
The UK Biodiversity Indicators have been reviewed in response to the latest goals and targets agreed under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The indicators are being adapted, with some new indicators being developed, to better align them with the monitoring framework for the GBF. The suite of biodiversity indicators is therefore expected to change ready for forthcoming UK national reports to CBD in 2026 and 2029.
The intention is for this indicator to be modified to better align it with the requirements of the GBF monitoring framework, specifically to align with headline indicator 3.1 Coverage of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, relevant to Goal A and Target 3.
Web links for further information
- Common Standards Monitoring Programme
- Resource hub
- Broad information on Surveillance and Monitoring
- Natural England Condition information
- NatureScot Protected areas
- Natural Resources Wales Protected areas of land and sea
- Natural Resources Wales Protected sites baseline assessment
- Natural Resources Wales Indicative feature condition assessments for European marine sites
- DAERA Protected areas
- The National Association for Areas of Outstanding Beauty,Introduction and links
- National Parks, Introduction and links
- NatureScot, Introduction and links
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Marine Conservation Zones Site Information
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Marine Protected Areas Site Information
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Ramsar Convention Site Information
Thank you to the many people who have contributed by providing data and to the many colleagues who have helped produce this indicator.
Technical annex
This indicator is comprised of three measures:
a. Total extent of protected areas: on-land.
b. Total extent of protected areas: at-sea.
c. Condition of Areas / Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
Measures (a) and (b) are calculated using a computer program written by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) which uses a number of site designation files as input, and calculates a set of non-overlapping polygons for that entire set of designations for each year. This has allowed the basis of the indicator to be expanded over time (including more site types), and allows comparisons to be made between inclusion and exclusion of wider landscape designations (National Parks, AONBs, NSAs: see tables 1 and 2 in the indicator) by running the programme with different input parameters. The programme also splits the areas calculated into terrestrial, inshore (within 12 nautical miles of the coast), and offshore (beyond 12 nautical miles out to the edge of the UK Continental shelf). Inshore and offshore extent are combined in measure (b).
The total areas of the terrestrial and marine regions are calculated in SQL Server 2008, using the following datasets:
(a). Boundaries (regions):
- Mean High Water (MHW) feature from the Ordnance Survey MasterMap dataset.
- Open Data Northern Ireland outline. MHW and Republic of Ireland boundary.
- Inshore (12 nautical miles) applied as a buffer to the terrestrial boundary.
- Boundary-Line (OSMM) for the terrestrial country borders within Great Britain.
- A UK Water boundary dataset used in the ‘country’ cutting data. Data supplied by JNCC Marine Team. Contains exclusive economic zone, continental shelf and Northern Ireland meridian polygons.
- An area for Northern Ireland Offshore.
(b). Protected Areas (sites):
- SAC datasets downloaded from each of the four SNCB websites.
- UK collation of offshore SACs, administered by JNCC.
- SPA datasets downloaded from each of the four SNCB websites.
- Ramsar datasets downloaded from each of the four SNCB websites.
- SSSI/ASSI datasets downloaded from each of the four SNCB websites.
- NNRs, downloaded from each of the four SNCB websites.
- National Parks: The two Scottish site boundaries were downloaded from the Scottish Government website, the English National Parks boundary data downloaded from Natural England website and the Welsh National Parks data from Natural Resources Wales website.
- AONBs, downloaded from the Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and Department of Environment Northern Ireland websites.
- NSAs, downloaded from the Scottish Government website.
- MCZs data collated by JNCC for submission to the European Environment Agency nationally designated protected areas inventory (CDDA).
- Nature Conservation MPAs, downloaded from NatureScot website. Up to December 2020.
Many protected areas in the UK cover the same physical parcels of land, but for different reasons; as a result the designation types can overlap. For example, it is possible for an individual site to be designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA), Ramsar site and National Nature Reserve (NNR), and could also be part of a National Park, an AONB (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) or National Scenic Area (NSA). A computer program is run which checks through all the site boundaries and their designated dates, compares them with all other sites and removes overlapping areas which were designated later, until only sites (or parts thereof) which do not overlap with any other sites which were designated before remain. These non-overlapping site boundaries are then intersected with the region boundaries; all site boundaries designated before or during each year which intersect each region are selected and summed.
This creates a total protected area figure for each region, for each year, where each protected site contributes only once to the total area figure.
Measure (c) Condition of Areas / Sites of Special Scientific Interest is calculated from country level Common Standard Monitoring data for A/SSSIs. A/SSSI sites can be designated for biological features (species or habitats), or geological features (e.g. fossils, or particular rock types / formations), or may have a mix of both biological and geological features. As this is a set of biodiversity indicators, measure (c) is intended to focus on the biological features, and therefore should be weighted by the sites designated for those features (i.e. biological or mixed sites).
A report on the CSM programme was published by JNCC in 2006 based on data to the end of March 2005. Since then the countries of the UK have continued to evaluate the effectiveness of site management, but have customised their approach to national circumstances. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland assessments are undertaken on a feature by feature basis. Up to 2023, England assessments were undertaken on management units – the parcels of land into which sites are split but have now moved to feature assessments.
- The UK indicator needs to be based on country level assessments of the condition of protected areas and the features on them.
- From 2023, data from England has changed from area based assessments to feature assessments. For consistency, historical data, based on area assessments, has not been included in this indicator.
- Wales do not have figures for SSSIs prior to 2022.
- All necessary quality assurance has been done by countries.
- Combination of area data and feature number data (as percentages) does not lead to a significant bias in the results.
- There is no mathematical reason why percentages can’t be combined.
- Data for the countries should be combined in proportion to the resource in each country.
Calculation (for each year)
Step 1. Data on the area of biological and mixed biological/geological A/SSSI sites are sourced.
Step 2. Extent data for SACs and SPAs are calculated using the same program as that used for the extent measures, but just for one site type. This allows calculation of the proportion of the site networks in each country.
Step 3. Data on the percentage of each site type in favourable condition or in unfavourable recovering condition are provided by each country.
Step 4. The proportion of the site network in favourable or unfavourable-recovering condition is multiplied by the area of that site network in a country to create an area equivalent (i.e. the area favourable or area recovering for a country for each of A/SSSI, SAC or SPA).
Step 5. The area calculated in step 4 is divided by the total area of the site type, to create a weighted proportion of the site type for the UK from that country.
Step 6. The percentage for each country is summed to provide a composite figure for the UK for a site type.
The extent of protected areas in Figure 1 is the combined (net) area of:
- nationally designated National Nature Reserves (NNR), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in England, Scotland and Wales, and Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) in Northern Ireland;
- Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) in English, Welsh and Northern Irish waters, and Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (NCMPA) in Scottish waters;
- internationally designated Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC, including candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Sites of Community Importance), and sites designated under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar); and
- wider landscape designations: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) (England, Wales and Northern Ireland), National Scenic Areas (NSA) (Scotland), and National Parks (England, Scotland and Wales).
There is considerable geographic overlap between these designations: for example, many sites are designated as A/SSSI, SAC and SPA. Almost all Ramsar sites are underpinned by the A/SSSI designation, and most Ramsar sites are also SPAs. The calculation method used identifies non-overlapping areas or ‘polygons’, and thus ensures that each protected area contributes only once to the total area. Coastal sites are split at mean high water (mean high water spring for Scotland), and contribute to both the on-land and at-sea lines in Figure 1 as appropriate. The ‘Total’ line on Figure 1 is the net area of all of the protected areas (shown in Figure 5).
Figure 5. Map of UK terrestrial and marine protected areas, as at 31 March 2024
Source: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, based on its own data and data from Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and NatureScot
Notes about Figure 5:
- Includes the following site designations: Areas of Special Scientific Interest (Northern Ireland), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England and Scotland), National Nature Reserves, Marine Conservation Zones, Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas, Ramsar Sites, Special Areas of Conservation (including candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Sites of Community Importance), Special Protection Areas, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Scenic Areas and National Parks.
The indicator was expanded in 2013 to include 3 wider landscape designations: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), National Scenic Areas (NSAs), and National Parks. In 2014 sites designated under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites); and new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were added. In 2015, National Nature Reserves (NNRs) were added to the indicator.
The on-land extent measure shows an increase in 1980, reflecting the designation of 40 NSAs in Scotland. Terrestrial changes since 1995 mainly reflect the establishment of SACs and SPAs, plus the designation of 2 National Parks in Scotland in 2002/03. There has been a large increase in the extent of MPAs since 1995, but especially since 2010. In 1995 and 1996, the first set of sites under the EU Habitats Directive extending below mean high water were established. These inshore and coastal SACs may also have a terrestrial/freshwater component, but the calculations to create the indicator split them between the on-land and at-sea lines in the indicator. Marine sites totalling 5 MHa were designated in 2016 and 2017 for harbour porpoise. In May 2019, a third tranche of 41 MCZs in English and Welsh waters were designated covering a total of 1.17 MHa. In July 2020 the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty was extended by 38 square kilometres – the first change to an AONB since 1991. In September 2020 a very large deep water offshore Marine Protected Area (MPA) was designated by the Scottish Government which added 9.9 MHa to the indicator (captured in the 2020 publication of the indicator). In December 2020, a further 4 NCMPAs and twelve SPAs were designated by the Scottish Government, adding a further 2.06 MHa increase to the at-sea extent component of the indicator.
A/SSSIs are designated with the aim of conserving specific biological or geological features. A monitoring programme was initiated in 1998 to evaluate the outcomes of management action and conservation policy. Under this programme, the condition of these features is assessed on a rolling cycle against agreed standards. The indicator (Figure 2) identifies the proportion of these features – by feature or by area – that are in a desired state (favourable) or have appropriate management but are yet to have regained their favourable status (unfavourable-recovering). The underpinning legislation for A/SSSIs extends to low water, so the condition part of the indicator is mainly based on terrestrial features.
The UK-wide Common Standards Monitoring programme is undertaken by the statutory nature conservation bodies to assess the effectiveness of management action aimed at maintaining or restoring the features for which protected areas have been designated. The data presented for this indicator are for the biological (species and habitats) features only; the monitoring of condition of features is also undertaken for geological features. Conservation objective(s) (sometimes called performance indicators) will have been set for each feature or site. The monitoring tests whether these objectives have been met.
Sites may have one or more interest features on them and each of these is assessed separately. Conservation objectives (or performance indicators) are developed by identifying the key attributes which make up or support the feature (e.g. extent, quality, supporting processes), and setting targets for them. Each attribute is then measured and compared against the target value set. If all the targets are met, the feature is in favourable condition. Human activities which are likely to be affecting the site adversely, and the conservation measures taken to maintain or restore the site, are also recorded. Sampling and assessment methods may vary between countries.
Sites or features which have yet to be assessed are excluded from the indicator; effectively this means the indicator is based on terrestrial and coastal features.
The first collation of results (to March 2005) was published by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee in 2006. The cut-off date is 31 March each year unless otherwise stated. The condition graph is cumulative and includes assessments from a number of years. As new assessments are completed they replace the previous ones; so the graph is a snapshot of the condition of the site network at that point in time. Both unfavourable-recovering and favourable assessments are shown in the graph, as it will take many years to reverse previous declines in species populations, or to restore the ecological functioning of habitats.
Assessment of the condition indicator is based on the sum of favourable and unfavourable-recovering condition. The background section includes information for SACs and SPAs. More detailed information is available on individual country websites (see web links).
Development plan
Since our previous publication we have adapted the language and visualisations used in this indicator. We are keen to hear from our users about these changes, as well as our published development plan, please email us.
Published: .