Good policy-making, planning, development and risk management all depend on good advice, based on reliable and up-to-date evidence on biodiversity status and trends, as well as an understanding of the costs and benefits of different options.
JNCC’s sound understanding of the natural environment, and knowledge of the relevant evidence sources, means that we are well-equipped to produce evidence for, and provide advice to, a range of stakeholders and customers. These include the country nature conservation bodies, governments and businesses. This ensures that decisions can be made in such a way that natural resources and systems are protected, and that the use of the natural environment is undertaken sustainably, both within the UK and internationally.
We have a strong record of providing evidence-based information and advice, at various scales, in a number of areas.
Our areas of expertise include:
Improving global co-ordination and action: Many of the issues facing biodiversity require action at broader scales, in particular at a global scale. As the UK’s statutory advisor on international conservation matters, we have a long history of experience in this area.
Offshore industries: We have responsibility for the provision of nature conservation advice in the offshore marine area. This includes the provision of advice on the impacts of offshore industries throughout the full development life-cycle.
Marine Protected Area advice: Protected area designation is one of the key tools for managing activities in both terrestrial and marine environments. We have a key role to play in designating and managing offshore sites.
Sustainable development overseas: The UK Government invests funds in overseas development aid. Our work highlights the value of the natural environment, and demonstrates how consideration of the natural environment underpins sustainable development.