Information on our work is provided in the A–Z index below. Click on the relevant link to find out more. Our resources, including JNCC Reports, other publications and documents, and datasets, are located on our Resource Hub.
- A collaborative approach to managing coral disease in UK Overseas Territories
- A1. Awareness, understanding and support for conservation
- A2. Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation
- A3. Value of biodiversity integrated into decision making
- A4. Global biodiversity impacts of UK economic activity / sustainable consumption
- A5. Integration of biodiversity considerations into business activity
- About Marine Protected Areas
- African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA)
- Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)
- Air Pollution
- Air Pollution Recovery Indicators (APRI)
- Analysis Ready Data (ARD)
- Annex: Official Statistics
- Anton Dohrn Seamount MPA
- Arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus)
- Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea)
- Article 12 and 17 reports
- Article 12 Birds Directive Report 2019
- Article 17 Habitats Directive Report 2019
- Article 17 Habitats Directive Report 2019: Habitat Conservation Status Assessments
- Article 17 Habitats Directive Report 2019: Species Conservation Status Assessments 2019
- Assessing Indicators
- Assessing the environmental impacts of UK supply chains
- Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
- B1a. Area of land in agri-environment schemes
- B1b. Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed
- B2. Sustainable fisheries
- B3. Climate change adaptation
- B4. Pressure from climate change (Spring Index)
- B5a. Air pollution
- B5b. Marine pollution
- B6. Pressure from invasive species
- B7. Surface water status
- Bassurelle Sandbank MPA
- Bern Convention
- Black guillemot (Cepphus grylle)
- Black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
- Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
- Blue Green Infrastructure
- Braemar Pockmarks MPA
- Bristol Channel Approaches / Dynesfeydd Môr Hafren MPA
- Building environmental resilience and security in a changing climate through biodiversity conservation in the Overseas Territories
- C1. Protected areas
- C2. Habitat Connectivity
- C3a. Status of UK habitats of European importance
- C3b. Status of UK species of European importance
- C4a. Status of UK priority species – Relative abundance
- C4b. Status of UK priority species – Distribution
- C5. Birds of the wider countryside and at sea
- C6. Insects of the wider countryside (butterflies)
- C7. Plants of the wider countryside
- C8. Mammals of the wider countryside (bats)
- C9a. Animal genetic resources – effective population size of Native Breeds at Risk
- C9b. Plant genetic resources – Enrichment Index
- Cairngorms Connect
- Cape Bank MPA
- Catalogue of case law relating to articles of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives
- Central Fladen MPA
- Chile Viticulture - project reports
- Chile Viticulture Project
- Citizen science and partnerships in monitoring
- Clean Air For Nature
- Climate change adaptation and hurricane disaster resilience in the UK Overseas Territories
- Climate Smart MPAs
- Common gull (Larus canus)
- Common Standards Monitoring
- Common Standards Monitoring guidance
- Common tern (Sterna hirundo)
- Completed Seabed Surveys
- Conservation Designations for UK taxa – collation
- Conservation Designations for UK taxa – collation updates
- Conserving Marine Protected Areas
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
- COP-15
- Copernicus Satellite Data: Promoting User Uptake in Chile and Latin America
- Cormorant indices for England
- Croker Carbonate Slabs MPA
- Cumbria BogLIFE Project
- Cynllun Rheoli Cynefinoedd Fferm Wynt Pen y Cymoedd
- The Copernicus Project
- D1a. Fish size classes in the North Sea
- D1b. Removal of greenhouse gases by UK forests
- D1c. Status of pollinating insects
- Darwin Mounds MPA
- Data Collection: Survey Methods and Equipment
- Decision-Making Threshold for Air Pollution
- Delivering technical assistance on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Belize
- Delivering technical assistance on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Sri Lanka
- Delivering technical assistance on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Maldives
- Detailed marine habitat maps
- Developing a participatory approach to the management of fishing activity in UK offshore Marine Protected Areas
- Discretionary Advice Service
- DNA Centre of Excellence
- Dogger Bank MPA
- Dolphin Head HPMA
- E1. Biodiversity data for decision making
- E2. Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity
- Earth Observation
- East of Gannet and Montrose Fields MPA
- East of Haig Fras MPA
- East of Start Point MPA
- East Rockall Bank MPA
- Eastern Mournes Wildfire Project
- Emission Source Attribution Project
- English Highly Protected Marine Areas
- Environmental Pollution Programme
- EO4cultivar Colombia: Mapeo del capital natural y de los servicios ecosistémicos en la región del Magdalena, Colombia
- EO4cultivar Colombia: Mapping Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services in the Magdalena region, Colombia
- EO4cultivar Peru: Mapeo del Capital Natural y de los Servicios Ecosistémicos en el Valle de Virú, Perú
- EO4cultivar Peru: Mapping Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services in the Virú Valley, Peru
- EO4cultivar: Mapeo del Capital Natural y de los Servicios Ecosistémicos en Paisajes Agrícolas en Colombia y Perú
- EO4cultivar: Mapping Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes in Colombia and Peru
- European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
- European storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus)
- GCR (Geological Conservation Review) Site lists
- GCR site lists: Geomorphology
- GCR site lists: Igneous and Mineralogy blocks
- GCR site lists: Mesozoic–Tertiary Stratigraphy blocks
- GCR site lists: Palaeontology blocks
- GCR site lists: Palaeozoic Stratigraphy blocks
- GCR site lists: Precambrian and Structural Geology blocks
- GCR site lists: Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology blocks
- Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope MPA
- Geological Conservation
- Grangetown Werddach
- Great black-backed gull (Larus marinus)
- Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
- Great Fen
- Great skua (Stercorarius skua)
- Greater Haig Fras MPA
- Greater Wash SPA
- Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention (GISI)
- Greener Grangetown
- Guillemot (Uria aalge)
- ICF Evidence Project: Nature-based Solutions ‘Triple Win Toolkit’
- Implementing Coral Reef Action Plans in the UK Overseas Territories
- Indicator development plan
- Inner Bank MPA
- Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge MPA
- Integrating Tools for Air Pollution Assessment (ITAPA)
- Inter-agency Air Pollution Group (IAPG)
- Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
- International conventions
- International Pollution
- International reporting
- Irish Sea Front SPA
- Management Effectiveness of Protected and Conserved Areas (MEPCA) Indicator
- Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus)
- Marine Activities and Pressures Evidence
- Marine Activities and Pressures Mapping
- Marine Assessment
- Marine Benthic Data (Management)
- Marine Benthic Data Dissemination
- Marine Benthic Data Flows
- Marine Benthic Data Standards
- Marine Biodiversity Indicators
- Marine birds and offshore industries
- Marine Conservation Zones
- Marine Habitat Classification
- Marine habitat data product: EUNIS level 3 combined map
- Marine habitat data product: Habitat Suitability Models
- Marine habitat data product: Habitats Directive Annex I marine habitats
- Marine habitat data product: national priority habitats
- Marine habitat data product: OSPAR threatened and/or declining habitats
- Marine habitat data product: UKSeaMap
- Marine Habitat Mapping
- Marine habitats and offshore industries
- Marine Mammal Observer Training Course Providers
- Marine mammals
- Marine mammals and noise mitigation
- Marine mammals and offshore industries
- Marine Monitoring Method Finder
- Marine monitoring resources
- Marine Natural Capital
- Marine natural capital approaches in the UK
- Marine Pressures and Impacts
- Marine Protected Area (MPA) Monitoring
- Marine Protected Area Mapper
- Marine Recorder
- Marine Sensitivity Assessments
- Markham's Triangle MPA
- Mediterranean gull (Larus melanocephalus)
- Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation Measures for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic Coast of Africa
- Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU)
- Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia
- Monitoring for nature recovery and local change
- Monitoring for nature recovery and local change: how to set up new initiatives and contribute new data
- Monitoring for nature recovery and local change: more information and resources
- Monitoring for nature recovery and local change: survey methods and tools
- Monitoring Seabirds At Sea
- Monitoring strategies
- MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit
- MPA Monitoring Survey Reports
- MPA network assessments
- UK Marine Protected Area Datasets for Download
- UK Marine Protected Area network statistics
- National Vegetation Classification (NVC)
- Natural Capital in the Overseas Territories
- Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas
- Nature-based Solutions: IACCG case studies
- Nitrogen Futures
- North Anglesey Marine MPA
- North Channel MPA
- North East of Farnes Deep MPA and HPMA
- North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef MPA
- North West Rockall Bank MPA
- North-east Faroe-Shetland Channel MPA
- North-East of Haig Fras MPA
- Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)
- Northern gannet (Morus bassanus)
- North-West of Jones Bank MPA
- North-West Orkney MPA
- Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA
- Ocean Country Partnership Programme
- Offshore Brighton MPA
- Offshore Industry Advice
- Offshore Marine Protected Areas
- Offshore Overfalls MPA
- Offshore Seabed Survey
- Offshore Seabird Monitoring Training
- Offshore Wind Strategic Monitoring and Research Forum (OWSMRF)
- Orford Inshore MPA
- Ornithology: oil & gas
- Ornithology: renewables
- Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex SPA
- Outer Thames Estuary SPA
- Overseas Territories – Natural Capital in the Caribbean
- Overseas Territories – Natural Capital in the South Atlantic
- Overview of assessment of change for all indicators
- Ramsar Convention
- Ramsar Sites in the UK and the UK's Overseas Territories & Crown Dependencies
- Razorbill (Alca torda)
- Red lists in Great Britain
- Red-throated Diver Energetics Project
- Reducing Pollution Through Partnership
- Resilient Community Recovery from Covid-19 in the Turks and Caicos Islands
- Resources for Volunteer Seabirds At Sea, and European Seabirds At Sea surveyors
- Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii)
- Sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis)
- Scanner Pockmark MPA
- Scheme to reduce disturbance to waterfowl during severe winter weather
- Seabird Censuses
- Seabird Monitoring
- Seabird Monitoring Programme Report 1986–2019
- Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index
- Seabirds Count – the fourth Breeding Seabird Census
- Seas off Foula SPA
- Seas off St Kilda SPA
- Simple ARD Service – Supporting the use of satellite data in Scotland and Northern Ireland
- Simple ARD Service: about the data
- Simple ARD Service: environmental applications
- Simple ARD Service: FAQs
- Simple ARD Service: support for users
- Skomer, Skokholm and the Seas off Pembrokeshire/ Sgomer, Sgogwm a Moroedd Penfro SPA
- Solan Bank Reef MPA
- South Dorset MPA
- South of Celtic Deep MPA
- South of the Isles of Scilly MPA
- South Rigg MPA
- South West Approaches to the Bristol Channel MPA
- South West Deeps (East) MPA
- Southern North Sea MPA
- South-West Deeps (West) MPA
- Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)
- Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPA): site condition, citations and conservation objectives
- Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components
- Special Areas of Conservation (SACs): Changes to the UK network of SACs
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs): Changes to the UK network of SPAs
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs): List of sites
- Species Indicator Review
- SSSI guidelines
- Stanton Banks MPA
- Surveillance Schemes
- Sustaining queen conch fisheries and livelihoods in the Turks and Caicos Islands
- Swallow Sand MPA
- Terrestrial habitat classification schemes
- Terrestrial Surveillance Development and Analysis (TSDA)
- The Background of the JCDP
- The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount MPA
- The Canyons MPA
- The Crick Framework
- The ProcBe Project
- Turbot Bank MPA
- Turks and Caicos Islands technical assistance programme for effective coastal-marine management
- The ‘universal’ Asset Service Matrix (uASM)
- The UK Terrestrial Biodiversity Surveillance Strategy
- UK Air Pollution Assessment Service ( UK APAS): Questions & Answers
- UK Air Pollution Assessment Service (UK APAS)
- UK BAP Priority Habitats
- UK BAP Priority Species
- UK Biodiversity Action Plan
- UK Biodiversity Framework
- UK Biodiversity Indicator mapping to the Aichi Targets
- UK Biodiversity Indicators
- UK Biodiversity Indicators 2023
- UK Biodiversity Indicators 2023 - Enquiries
- UK Chemical Pollution
- UK Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Programme
- UK Marine Noise Registry
- UK Overseas Territory Protected Area statistics
- UK Protected Area Datasets for Download
- UK Protected Areas
- UK SPA & Ramsar (Avian) Scientific Working Group
- UK Terrestrial Evidence Partnership of Partnerships
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UNESCO World Heritage Convention
- United Kingdom’s 6th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- West of Copeland MPA
- West of Scotland MPA
- West of Walney MPA
- West of Wight-Barfleur MPA
- West Sands Dune Management
- West Shetland Shelf MPA
- West Wales Marine / Gorllewin Cymru Forol MPA
- Western Channel MPA
- What is protected in MPAs?
- Wight-Barfleur Reef MPA
- Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
- Wildlife Crime Conservation Advisory Group (WCCAG)
- Woodland Carbon Code
- Work Package 1: Natural Capital Evidence Base and Tools
- Work Package 2: Status and Vulnerability Assessments
- Work Package 3: Marine Indicators
- Work Package 4: Knowledge Exchange Programme
- Workshop outputs
- Wyville Thomson Ridge MPA