Nature – our life support system – is in crisis around the world. Animal and plant species, funghi and microorganism species, and the habitats they create and depend on, are declining at an unprecedented rate in human history. As a result, the natural functions and processes that people depend on for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the energy we need, the materials we use, the medicines we rely on and a climate we can survive in are failing rapidly.
There is cause for hope. We have a good understanding of what’s happening to natural systems – and new evidence is emerging all the time. The impacts of unsustainable land and sea use, climate breakdown, exploitation and pollution – have significant consequences for life on Earth. We have the knowledge, tools, networks and ambition to take collective action to recover nature. But we must act now. Future generations rely on it.
From 21 October to 1 November 2024, JNCC’s experts will participate in the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) in Cali, Colombia. With 'Peace with Nature' as its central theme, COP16 is the first meeting of the COP after the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in 2022.
- What is CBD COP16?
JNCC's role at COP16
JNCC’s COP16 calendar
- Event: Bringing together trade and biodiversity statistics to support biodiversity and the GBF
- Event: High-Level Ocean 30x30 Reception
- Event: Science Policy Forum Session 6: Monitoring - Advances of scientific networks for adressing gaps in the eimplementation of the monitoring framework of COP15 Decision 15/5
- Event: Momentum for Target 16: Enhancing collective action to reduce the global footprint of consumption equitably
- Event: Ministerial Conference on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter
- Event: Nature Champions Network High Level Ministerial (by invitation only)
- Event: One Ocean, One Challenge: Building effective MPA networks through trans-national partnerships
- Why is COP16 important?
- The journey to COP16
What is CBD COP16?
CBD COP16 stands for the 'Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)', an international meeting referred to as the 'UN Biodiversity Conference' or the ‘Nature COP’.
JNCC's role at COP16
JNCC is the UK’s statutory nature advisor. We provide technical and scientific support to the UK Government on issues relating to the UK’s implementation of the CBD (as well as 20 other multi-lateral environmental agreements). As part of this, our experts will be attending COP16 as part of the UK delegation, helping the UK and other Parties to secure positive outcomes to support international nature recovery.
Photo: JNCC delegates at COP16
JNCC’s COP16 calendar
At COP16 we’ll be participating in the following events:
Event: Bringing together trade and biodiversity statistics to support biodiversity and the GBF
JNCC role: Dr Gemma Harper (opening remarks). Our partners from SEI York will be presenting on the Global Environmental Impacts of Consumption (GEIC) Indicator
Date and time: 24 October 15:10 (COT) (21:10 BST)
Location: UN Hub, Place Quebec
Further information:
Event: High-Level Ocean 30x30 Reception
JNCC role: Dr Gemma Harper accompanying Minister Creagh to the event.
Date and time: 26 October 19:00 – 22:00 (COT) (27 October 01:00 – 04:00 BST)
Location: Domingo, Carrera 5 #2-97
Event: Science Policy Forum Session 6: Monitoring - Advances of scientific networks for adressing gaps in the eimplementation of the monitoring framework of COP15 Decision 15/5
JNCC role: Dr James Williams will be presenting in his role as the Chair of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG)
Date and time: 27 October 10:10 - 11:40 (COT) (16:10 - 17:40 BST)
Location: Macarena Room
Further information:
Event: Momentum for Target 16: Enhancing collective action to reduce the global footprint of consumption equitably
JNCC role: Dr Gemma Harper (speaker). Our partners from SEI York will participate in the panel discussion
Date and time: 28 October 11:40-15:00 (COT) (17:40 - 21:00 BST)
Location: Cocuy - Marie Khan Women's Caucus
Further information:
Event: Ministerial Conference on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter
JNCC role: Dr Gemma Harper accompanying Minister Creagh.
Date and time: 28 October 14:00-16:00 (COT) (20:00 - 22:00 BST)
Location: Spiwak Hotel
Further information:
Event: Nature Champions Network High Level Ministerial (by invitation only)
JNCC role: Dr Gemma Harper accompanying Minister Creagh.
Date and time: 28 October 18:00 (COT) (00:00 BST)
Location: Cocuy - Marie Khan Women's Caucus
Further information:
Event: One Ocean, One Challenge: Building effective MPA networks through trans-national partnerships
JNCC role: JNCC Co-hosts, Dr Gemma Harper (opening speaker and panellist), Beth Flavell (presenter), Alyssa Fischer (MC)
Date and time: 30 October 11:40 (COT) (16:40 BST)
Location: Cocora, Plaza 1 - Subnational and Local Authorities (Blue Zone)
Further information:
Why is COP16 important?
At COP15 the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) – the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework set out an ambitious plan to transform society’s relationship with biodiversity. As focus now turns to implementation, governments will review the progress made in translating the global framework into national strategies and plans.
The journey to COP16
The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is a high-level document that was agreed and adopted by Parties to CBD at COP15, which aims to halt and reverse biodiversity decline globally. The framework consists of four goals and 23 targets.
Image courtesy of Ed Mountford (JNCC)
The UK Biodiversity Framework (2024)
In the UK, biodiversity and the natural environment are devolved matters and are the responsibility of the governments in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Their role extends to implementing international biodiversity obligations, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), although these are negotiated and entered on a UK-wide basis.
All four countries of the UK have, and continue to develop, their own domestic policies and strategies to protect and restore nature, to manage natural assets sustainably and to respond to climate breakdown and other environmental challenges. These are now being reviewed following the finalisation of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). In addition, a new UK Biodiversity Framework has been developed to serve as a vehicle for the four countries to work together on areas of shared ambition or common purpose for biodiversity at a UK level to address the goals and targets outlined in the GBF.
The four countries and JNCC are working to publish a revised UK National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) following adoption of the GBF. As part of this, the UK published its national targets in August 2024 (see CBD Online Reporting Tool).
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