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Chile Viticulture - project reports

To accompany the online mapper and the VINES application a series of reports have been published.


Project reports

The project report (JNCC report 634) outlines the background history as to why the project has been undertaken, the project objectives, the approaches adopted to meet the objectives, as well as conclusions and next steps.

The technical report (JNCC report 635) provides a detailed explanation of the modelling process, including data collection and analysis, model selection and development, and the transcripts from stakeholder consultation that capture local information which was used in model development.


Download data

The outputs of the habitat and ecosystem service mapping that was carried out as part of this project are open-access and available to download.

Data include a 10 m resolution habitat map of the Colchagua valley and quantitative ecosystem service maps developed from models of water supply and quality, fire risk and soil loss, provided as raster (.tif) files.

Information on how these were produced can be found in JNCC Report No. 635 – A Natural Capital Approach to Landscape Planning: A Pilot Project in Colchagua Valley – Technical Report.




Chile Viticulture - project introduction

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