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Common Standards Monitoring guidance

Subsequent to the decision to implement the monitoring programme for designated nature conservation sites in 1999 and report on the condition of the whole site series in 2005, the country nature conservation bodies decided that guidance on setting and assessing conservation objectives was needed to assist staff in undertaking site monitoring and assessment. JNCC and the country nature conservation bodies commenced a programme to develop such guidance across the range of species, habitat and Earth science features which occur on UK protected sites. This process was largely completed in 2005, but some updating of individual guidance documents may take place.

Guidance documents

The guidance is divided into habitat and species features.  A separate guidance is available for Earth science sites.

Habitat features Species features
Coastal Birds
Freshwater Freshwater fauna (including fish)
Lowland grassland Invertebrates
Lowland heathland Reptiles and amphibians
Lowland wetland Marine mammals
Marine Terrestrial mammals
Upland Vascular plants
Woodland Bryophytes and lichens


Earlier versions of the guidance can be found in The National Archives



Common Standards Monitoring

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