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Nature-based Solutions: IACCG case studies

This section of the website has been created on behalf of the UK Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG). It showcases some of the very best examples of projects on Nature-based Solutions from across the four countries of the UK (shown on the accompanying map and listed below), and highlights to new audiences how nature can provide important solutions to climate change, both by helping to lock up carbon and by helping us cope with inevitable change.

A schematic map of the UK, showing the locations of the 12 nature-based solutions' case studies.


The UK Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG) brings together representatives from the UK environmental agencies to update on climate change policy and evidence developments across the four UK nations, identifying common areas of interest and sharing experience.

Recognising the critical role and urgency for addressing both the biodiversity and climate crises, the UK nature conservation, environmental protection and forestry agencies, through the IACCG, have been collaboratively considering the role of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the delivery of a net zero future.

Nature-based Solutions are inspired and delivered by nature and natural processes. They provide cost-effective approaches to address some of our biggest environmental, societal and economic challenges, including delivery of climate change adaptation and mitigation by building resilience into our natural resources and ecosystems.

There exists a strong domestic and international interest in Nature-based Solutions and the growing recognition of the need to upscale implementation of a broad range of approaches.


The UK’s Nature-based Solutions in action

The projects listed here showcase some of the best examples of Nature-based Solutions from across the four countries of the UK.

These have been compiled by the UK Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG), to present at COP26 (the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties), held in Glasgow in November 2021.

JNCC is hosting the information on these projects on behalf of the IACCG.

Keeping Rivers Cool

Photograph of a small river with riverbanks covered in vegetation (© Environment Agency)

Increasing the resilience of sensitive ecosystems and freshwater wildlife to the impacts of climate change induced temperature increases by using shading to cool rivers. Find out more.

Great Fen

Aerial photograph of Woodwalton Fen (© Henry Stanier)

An ambitious 50-year fen restoration project working across 3,700 hectares of Cambridgeshire to reconnect the two remnant ancient fen habitats. Find out more.

Cumbria BogLIFE Project

Photograph showing the bog landscape in Cumbria; in the foreground are pools of water, in the background are hills (© Tony Devos/Natural England)

A five-year Natural England project aimed at restoring three lowland raised bog sites within Cumbria. Find out more

Pleasant Forest

Artist’s impression of a Pleasant Forest Project area, showing the landscape after the project (© Forestry England)

A Forestry England and Forestry Commission project aimed at creating a thriving new woodland in Kent with environmental and social resilience at its heart. Find out more.

LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES

Underwater photograph of seagrass (© Fiona Crouch)

A four-year marine conservation partnership to help protect and restore sensitive seabed habitats in southern England. Find out more

East Mournes Wildfire Project

Photograph showing a wildfire in the Mourne Mountains and a team of firefighters tackling it (© Colum McDaid)

A partnership approach to managing the landscapes of the Eastern Mourne Mountains, aimed at limiting the probability and impacts of wildfires on wildlife, ecosystems and water quality. Find out more.

Cairngorms Connect

Photograph providing an aerial view of an area in the Cairngorms, showing a valley with trees and vegetation on the valleysides (©

The UK’s biggest habitat restoration project – a partnership of neighbouring land managers working collaboratively to enhance habitats, species and ecological processes across an area of over 600 square kilometres. Find out more

Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention (GISI)

Photograph of Fernbrae Meadows. A wildflower meadow is in the foreground with a housing estate in the background (© Karen Smith / South Lanarkshire Council)

Creating better places and enhancing quality of life in some of Scotland’s most deprived areas by improving the quality, accessibility and quantity of green infrastructure in major towns and cities. Find out more

West Sands Dune Management

Aerial photograph showing the West Sands and Old Course golf course near St. Andrews, created on a spit of land which has grown out from the town over the last 6,000 years (© P & A MacDonald / NatureScot

A large-scale sand dune restoration management project, working with coastal habitats to provide natural adaptation solutions to extreme weather and sea-level rise. Find out more

Woodland Carbon Code

Photograph of an area in the Yarrow Valley with a number of planted saplings. A man is walking through the area in the background (© Forest Direct Ltd)

The Woodland Carbon Code is the UK’s government backed standard for woodland carbon projects, providing the mechanism for landowners to attract carbon funding to support woodland creation projects on their land. Find out more

Greener Grangetown

Photograph showing a residential street in Cardiff after work was undertaken to create a sustainable drainage system (© Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/Natural Resources Wales)

A partnership project designed to transform the quality of the environment, streetscape and improve cycling and pedestrian infrastructure across a Cardiff city centre neighbourhood. Find out more

Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Habitat Management Plan

Photograph of the landscape at Black Bog, Pen Y Cymoedd windfarm, with dense vegetation in the foreground, and a windturbine and a tree plantation in the background (© Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales)

A 25-year project to restore 1,500 hectares of afforested habitats as part of the planning permission for the Pen Y Cymoedd windfarm development. Find out more


The Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG)

The UK Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG) brings together representatives from the UK environmental agencies.  Membership of the IACCG includes:

  • Natural England
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • NatureScot
  • Northern Ireland Environment Agency
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
  • Environment Agency
  • Scottish Forestry
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
  • Forestry Commission
  • Forestry England



The Map

Please note: The map was produced as part of the promotional material for the UK-IACCG stand at COP26 and has been produced by Natural Resources Wales. As the UK map features work involving Scottish agencies, consideration has been given to s.17 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. The reasons why Shetland is not shown are that: the map is merely indicative, with other parts of the UK also not shown due to coastal smoothing and graphic/text overlays; showing the entire UK while maintaining the map’s visual effectiveness is considered not achievable within the time constraints associated with the submission for COP26.


Find out more

To find out more about any of these projects, or the Inter-Agency Climate Change Group (IACCG), please get in touch


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