Updated formal conservation advice for Dogger Bank SAC has now been published. This advice supersedes previous conservation advice for this site and is available via the conservation advice section of the Site Information Centre.
The updated advice comprises:
- Background information which explains why and to whom we are providing this advice;
- Conservation Objectives for the site;
- JNCC’s view of the site’s condition, the conservation benefits it can provide and the conservation measures which, in our view, are required to ensure the site achieves its conservation objectives;
- Supplementary Advice on the Conservation Objectives (SACO); and
- Advice on Operations which sets out our advice on how human activities can affect site integrity and therefore achievement of the site’s conservation objectives.
These elements together form JNCC’s conservation advice for this site and should be read in conjunction with each other.
Further information on the approach used to develop this advice is available on our 'Conserving MPAs' webpage, along with a Glossary of Terms used in JNCC's conservation advice and a short video explaining how to use the conservation advice packages.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the advice, please get in touch.