Conservation Designations for UK taxa – collation updates
The list shown below itemises the lists that have been added to the collation of conservation designations for UK taxa, and any updates or amendments, between April 2004 and December 2023.
Date of update | Source list and explanation of change made |
December 2023 |
The following Red List has been added
April 2023 |
The following Red Lists have been removed from the designations spreadsheet pending further edits
January 2023 |
The following Red Lists have been added:
The following Red Lists have been updated:
November 2022 |
Correction of designation status in A review of the scarce and threatened bees, wasps and ants of Great Britain list, for bee Lasioglossum leucopus, previously added as Rare. |
January 2022 |
The following list has been updated: In addition a number of corrections have been made including archiving Notable statuses for taxa whose statuses have been more recently been assessed, correcting taxon version keys and red list categories for non-native mollusc taxa not applicable for red listing assessment |
June 2020 |
Correction of taxon version key for Black Guillemot, Cepphus grylle: NBNSYS0000000375 to NBNSYS0000000376 in Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the red list for birds (Red/Amber list and not based on IUCN criteria) |
January 2020 |
The following Red List has been updated: In addition species with Least Concern Red Data Category are now included in The Butterfly Red List for Great Britain, 2010 |
July 2018 |
The following Red Lists have been added:
This includes the new designation 'Spider Amber List'.
The following Genus has been expanded to include all species occurring in Great Britain for the Wildlife & Countryside Schedules: Circus (Harrier), Gavia (Divers) and Loxia (Crossbills)
IUCN 2001 European Red List designations have been included for non-native terrestrial mammal species occurring in Great Britain which have not been assessed in any published Red List for Great Britain.
Environment (Wales) Act 2016 - Species of Principal Importance in Wales (section 7) list has replaced the Welsh section 42 list of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.
January 2018 |
The following Red List has been added:
November 2017 |
The following Red Lists have been added:
July 2017 | A number of taxon designation corrections have been made, as well as clarification of designation categories within the Vascular Plant Red List for England and Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Taxon designations with the UK Species Inventory have been checked and updated against the main JNCC Taxon Designations collation so that the two collations are comparable. |
Nov 2016 | In the version published in July 2016, the Summary for each taxon spreadsheet only included the first designation for each taxon under each of the reporting categories. This has been corrected to include all the taxon's designations under the reporting categories, as listed within the Master List. |
July 2016 | In the version published in May 2016, four species from "A review of the Orthoptera (grasshoppers and crickets) and allied species of Great Britain (2015)" had been matched accidentally to Algae and Non-vascular plant species names and recommended taxon version keys. This has now been corrected. |
May 2016 |
The following Red Lists have been added:
The following lists have been updated:
The previous versions of these two lists have been archived by JNCC and are not shown on this spreadsheet.
Pipistrelle designations have been reviewed, so that the correct taxa are applied to each designation. This means that in cases where all bats are protected, three pipistrelle taxa have been listed, these being:
The recommended taxon names, authorities and taxon version keys have been updated in line with the latest version of the Natural History Museum’s UK's Species Inventory (May 2016). |
Aug 2014 | In the version published in April 2014, several species were incorrectly assigned to a designation listed as Schedule 2 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. These have now been removed. |
Apr 2014 |
The Master List has been updated and amended as follows:
JNCC has updated all of the recommended taxon names, authorities and other attributes including taxon version keys (unique identifier codes for each taxon) to correspond with the latest version (March 2014) of the Natural History Museum’s UK species inventory. |
Oct 2011 | Updated the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) list to include the insertion of Capercaillie (2001) for Scotland. |
Jul 2011 |
Jun 2011 | Amended little ringed plover entry on BOCC 3 list to ringed plover. |
Feb 2011 | Taxon Version Key column has been updated. |
Jan 2011 |
Jan 2011 |
Oct 2010 |
This update fixes a few errors:
It also adds a taxon version key column into the summary sheet as requested. |
Jul 2010 |
This update includes the following new lists and amendments:
Nov 2009 | We have improved the taxonomic hierarchy grouping, improved the presentation of the summary sheet, clarified source descriptions, and amended criteria descriptions. A comment has been added to show that Bluebell is on Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act with respect to Section 13 (2) only. The Habitats Directive designation for Bruchia vogesiaca has been corrected to Annex II (non-priority species). Lycopodium lagopus has been added to Annex V of the Habitats Directive. The 'current taxon name' for various plants has been corrected. |
Aug 2009 |
The August 2009 update is perhaps the most extensively amended version of the Conservation Designations spreadsheet. It includes new and amended lists from the following sources:
We have also updated a number of Taxon Version Keys to match the recommended keys supplied by the Natural History Museum. A few errors in common names have been fixed. Source Descriptions and Designation descriptions have been updated for the UK BAP list. |
Oct 2008 |
1. Amendments to the UK BAP priority species list (as published in 2007) resulting in a BAP list of 1149+2-1=1150 species: a) addition of two moths mistakenly ommitted from the 2007 list of 1149 species. Rhizedra lutosa - Large Wainscot and Euxoa tritici - White-line Dart b) archiving/removal of one species: Clavaria purpurea (the British population of what was thought to be C purpurea is now known to be "within the variation of Clavaria incarnata" . C incarnata is incidentally not a UK BAP species.) 2. Addition of newly published review of dragonflies and damselflies. (JNCC Species Status Assessment report no 11)The Odonata Red Data List for Great Britain - 2008 (Caroline Daguet, Dr Graham French and Dr Pam Taylor - Eds) 3. Correction to list of Annex 1 bird species under the Wild Birds Directive (mistakenly ommitted from the spreadsheet). Addition of Greenland White-Fronted Goose Anser albifrons subsp. flavirostris and Fair Isle Wren Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis to Annex 1. |
Apr 2008 |
Incorporates updated taxon version keys and standard taxon names from the Natural History Museum/NBN species dictionary. (Taxon version keys are used as unique identifiers for species). All taxa now have a taxon version key with the exception of the taxa designated as "least concern". |
Dec 2007 |
Following requests by users, we have made the designation abbreviations unique to each designation. This can be seen most clearly in the sheet “summary for each taxon” Examples are RedList_GB_post2001:NT RedList_Global_post94:CR CITES:A BirdsDir:A2.2 UKBAP2007 |
Dec 2007 |
A sheet called “complex synonyms” has been added to the downloadable spreadsheet. This helps users to trace designated species that have been amalgamated with others into a single entry on the NBN species dictionary. Several are these are merely different syntactical conventions for subspecies. This list includes several species highlighted by Mark Gurney (RSPB) and also by Local Record Centres. Note that it does not include the lichen species outlined below possibly because the synonymns have not yet been defined within the NHM dictionary.
Dec 2007 | A series of checks by Mark Gurney at the RSPB on the previous version of the JNCC taxon designations spreadsheet have highlighted a number of errors that have since been corrected. Many of these were also picked up as a result of the work on matching the taxa to the latest NHM/NBN dictionary. |
Dec 2007 | Further checks have been undertaken against the “current” or recommended names and taxon version keys on the latest NHM/NBN species dictionary. This work was undertaken by Dave Chambers (JNCC) and Graham French (NBN technical liaison officer). This work has been necessary to prepare for the JNCC collation of designations to be submitted to the NHM/NBN dictionary. This list will be based entirely on the “current” Taxon Version keys, and will exclude those species judged in the latest RDB as “Least Concern” Note that the master list still contains a number of species that do not yet have a TV key. These are mostly hieracium (hawkweeds). |
Dec 2007 | All global IUCN categories have been checked against the 2007 IUCN red list and any that do not match have been archived. Note that the latest list (identifiable on the master list as source = The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2007) only includes critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable species. |
Dec 2007 | Seahorses (hippocampus) have been moved from CITES annex D to CITES annex B. |
Dec 2007 |
Deborah Procter (JNCC) has reviewed the list of species that are still listed under either the original Red Data Book for Insects (Shirt 1987) or the Invertebrate (Bratton) Red Data Books and have no subsequent Review or Red List. This has resulted in some beetle records being removed entirely from the Shirt 1987 list (their status was reviewed in 1992/1994 - A review of the scarce and threatened beetles of Great BritainParts 1 and 2 (Hyman, P.S. revised and updated by M.S. Parsons.) ). Other species have been removed because they are listed in the 1992/1994 reviews under a synonym. Details of these changes are available from JNCC. |
Oct 2007 |
Incorporation of revised UK BAP list of priority species requiring conservation action (1149 taxa)
The vascular plant list of globally threatened species has also been added. NBN/NHM dictionary recommended taxon version keys have been revised and updated (though this needs to be subject to final checks by the NHM now incorporates millipedes and centipedes, formerly ommited in error. |
July 2007 |
Correct typographic errors and web links. |
Feb 2007 | Tidying up of taxonomy for vascular plants. |
Jan 2007 | Lichen list from A conservation evaluation of British lichens, R.G. Woods & B.J. Coppins. British Lichen Society, London, 2003 extended to include Nationally rare and scarce species as well as species of "least concern" |
Jan 2007 | Revised list of nationally scarce mosses and liverworts taken from Bryophyte Red List (British Bryological Society, 2005) + Preston, C.D. (2006). A revised list of nationally scarce bryophytes. Field Bryology 90: 22-30. |
Jan 2007 | Revisions to vascular plant lists of rare and scarce species taken from data used in the red data book review and A tool for assessing the current conservation status of vascular plants on SSSIs in England: May 2006, ENRR 690 (Leach & Rusbridge) |
Jan 2007 | Revisions to Vascular plant listing red data list for Great Britain to reflect changes agreed in 2006. This involved significant revisions to hieracium and taraxacum. |
Jan 2007 | Addition of Habitats and Species Directive Annex 5 |
Jan 2007 |
Rationalisation of categories relating to red data listings. The global red listings have been separated from the Uk red listings. The UK red listings have been sub-divided into those based on 1. the pre 1994 IUCN guidelines 2. the 1994 IUCN guidelines 3. the 2001 IUCN guidelines
The descriptions of the designations for each of these categories has been revised |
June 2006 |
Errors in the previous collation for diptera have been corrected. The discrepencies included 140 "Nationally notables" on Falk 91 that have effectively had this status removed in the Empidoidea review. We have updated the database accordingly by setting the status in Falk 91 from Current to Archived for these species and putting in an archived date of 1/5/2005. |
15/9/05 | Several invertebrate lists have been extended to include notable species that were previously excluded. (Notable species are below Red Data Book species in terms of threat status). This has also meant that some entries recorded on the British Red Data Book of Insects (Shirt 1987) have been removed because they have now been replaced by a "notable" record in a subsequent review. |
10/6/2005 | Falk, S.J. & Chandler, P.J. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991). Species Status 2: 1-191. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough |
10/6/2005 | Falk, S.J. & Crossley, R. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 3: Empidoidea. Species Status 3: 1-136. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. |
10/05/2005 | The Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain - 2005 Cheffings, C. and Farrell, L. (Editors) |
03/03/2005 | Habitats and Species directive - review of Annexes |
04/05/2004 | Birds directive review of annexes |
01/04/2004 | A conservation evaluation of British lichens, R.G. Woods & B.J. Coppins. British Lichen Society, London, 2003 |
01/04/2004 | A provisional review of the Vascular Plant Red Data Book 2002 - NOW ARCHIVED. - Superceded by The Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain - 2005 Cheffings, C. and Farrell, L. (Editors) |
01/04/2004 | Birds of Conservation Importance - JNCC 1996 |
01/04/2004 | British Red Data Book (Mosses and Liverworts) 2001 |
01/04/2004 | Population status of birds in the UK - Birds of conservation concern 2002-2007 |
01/04/2004 | Review of the status of charophytes (stoneworts) - N Stewart (unpublished) |
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