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Marine habitat data product: national priority habitats

These products contribute to the evidence needed to support the designation and maintenance of an ecologically coherent network of Marine Protected Areas under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.

The products contains both point and polygon information from multiple sources. Note that some places have points but no polygons and vice versa; this reflects the fact that data only exists where surveys have taken place.

Priority Marine Features in Scottish waters

This composite product aims to show the current best understanding of the distribution and extent of habitats considered to be Priority Marine Features (PMFs) in Scottish waters.

The product is maintained in collaboration between JNCC and NatureScot and is part of a wider data product known as “GeMS” (Geodatabase of Marine Features in Scotland).

Data product summary

  Clipped to offshore Nature Conservation MPAs All Scottish waters
View On the JNCC MPA interactive map On the Marine Scotland National Marine Plan Interactive portal (Go to ‘View Layers to Add/Remove’, then ‘Healthy and Biologically Diverse’ > [habitat group] > [individual PMF])
Download - From the NatureScot Open Data Hub
Web services Via the JNCC Resource Hub Via the NatureScot Open Data Hub (click on ‘Habitats and Species’)
Metadata On the JNCC Resource Hub On the NatureScot Open Data Hub
Version history Current version 5.18
Further information Read about the Priority Marine Features list (SNH)
Videos about Priority Marine Features (SNH)
About the individual Priority Marine Features (Marine Scotland)


Habitat Features of Conservation Importance in offshore Secretary of State waters

This composite product aims to show the current best understanding of the distribution and extent of habitats considered to be Features of Conservation Importance (“habitat FOCI”) in waters beyond 12 nm from the coasts of England, Wales and Northern Ireland (known as offshore Secretary of State waters).



Marine Habitat Mapping

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