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Marine habitat data product: OSPAR threatened and/or declining habitats

These composite products aim to show the current best understanding of the distribution and extent of habitats on the OSPAR list of threatened and/or declining habitats in the UK and the wider north-east Atlantic.

The products contain both point and polygon information from multiple sources. Some places have points but no polygons and vice versa; this reflects the fact that data only exists where surveys have taken place.

It contributes to the evidence needed to support the designation and maintenance of an ecologically coherent network of Marine Protected Areas under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Data product summary

View On the EMODnet interactive map viewer
Download Using the EMODnet map viewer, via EMODnet web services or using the download link in the metadata pages
Web services WFS and WMS via the EMODnet web services
Metadata Polygons – on ICES Metadata Catalogue
Points – on ICES Metadata Catalogue
Version history A new version of the NE Atlantic data product has been published almost every year since 2004. There was no update in 2018. The latest version of the database was published in 2022.
Further information Methods report (coming soon)
More information about this product on the OSPAR website
OSPAR list of threatened and/or declining habitats


JNCC's role as OSPAR Task Manager

On behalf of the OSPAR Commission, JNCC manages the programme to update and improve this data product for the whole North-east Atlantic on a regular basis. The data feeds into a wider programme to develop measures for the protection and conservation of habitats on the OSPAR list.

Each OSPAR Contracting Party compiles the relevant data for its own marine waters and submit these to JNCC for incorporation into the full data product, and subsequent publication. Its completeness is therefore related to the effort of its contributors. The maps are not considered to be comprehensive for the OSPAR area as a whole and may not be comprehensive within any given Contracting Party’s waters.



Marine Habitat Mapping

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