Marine pollution
Last updated: 2024
Latest data available: 2019
The indicator shows the combined input of six of the most hazardous substances to the UK marine environment. The indicator is based on levels of five heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, copper, lead and zinc) and one organic compound (lindane).
For this indicator, the most recent data are from 2019. It has not been possible to update this indicator in recent years, please refer to the Background section for further information.
The data for this indicator can be downloaded from here: JNCC’s Resource Hub - Marine pollution.
Type of indicator
Pressure indicator
Type of official statistics
Official statistic
Assessment of change
Assessment of change in input of hazardous substances to the marine environment.
Measure | Assessment | Time period | Result |
Combined input of hazardous substances to the UK marine environment | Long term | 1990 to 2019 | Improving |
Combined input of hazardous substances to the UK marine environment | Short term | 2014 to 2019 | Improving |
Notes on the indicator assessment
Long- and short-term assessments are based on a 3% rule of thumb. Where possible, the base years for these assessments use a three-year average. See Assessing Indicators.
Key results
The combined inputs of all six of the hazardous materials included within this indicator have shown a long-term decrease of 78% since 1990, as shown in Figure 1. In the short term (since 2014), inputs of five out of six of these substances show decreases; one heavy metal (zinc) has increased.
Levels of all six substances declined over the period 1990 to 2019. The heavy metals, mercury, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc decreased by 91%, 88%, 59%, 59% and 55%, respectively. The organic compound lindane decreased by 86%.
In the short term, the combined inputs of all six hazardous substances decreased by 18% from 2014 to 2019 (using a three-year average for 2014). Inputs for five out of the six of the hazardous substances declined in the short term: lindane had the highest percentage decrease (44%), cadmium decreased by 31%, mercury by 26%, copper by 8% and lead by 6%. By contrast, zinc increased by 17%.
Inputs into the marine environment are estimated from concentrations and flow rates in rivers entering the sea and those from estuarine and coastal point sources. Riverine inputs reflect both point and diffuse sources upstream of the sampling point and tend to be strongly influenced by flow rates. Flow rates are heavily affected by rainfall patterns so year-to-year fluctuations in pollutant loads are likely.
Figure 1: Combined input of hazardous substances to the UK marine environment, as an index of estimated weight of substances per year, 1990 to 2019
Source: Defra Marine Strategy and Evidence Division, using data provided by: Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency
A detailed illustration of changing levels of each input is shown in Figure 2. The low point in 2003 is thought to be a consequence of reduced river flows during an exceptionally dry year. Conversely, levels increased in 2012 and again in 2014 corresponding with years of heavy rainfall. In 2012, England had the wettest year since records began in 1910; the summer was the wettest since 1912 and increased rainfall in November and December contributed to extensive flooding. In 2014, the winter (January to February) was the wettest since records began.
The detection limits for analysis have gradually decreased over the period of 1990 to 2023. This is likely to have caused an overestimation in the input levels for early years compared to more recent years, leading to the reported decreases being overestimates.
Figure 2: Input of hazardous substances to the UK marine environment, as an index of weight of substance per year, 1990 to 2019
Source: Defra Marine Strategy and Evidence Division, using data provided by: Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Further detail
For information on the methods used in this indicator, please see the Technical Annex below.
Pollution by hazardous heavy metals and pesticides can have adverse effects on the marine environment and biodiversity. Pollutants enter coastal waters either directly from point sources on UK coasts and estuaries or are carried via rivers.
One of the goals of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the OSPAR Convention) is to implement the Hazardous Substances Strategy by making progressive endeavours, through appropriate actions and measures, to move towards the targets of the cessation of discharges, emissions, and losses of hazardous substances by the year 2020. This Strategy remains relevant and is supplemented by Strategic Objective 2 (SO2) of the North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy 2030 and relevant operational objectives. SO2 aims to prevent pollution by hazardous substances, by eliminating their emissions, discharges, and losses. The intent is to achieve levels that do not give rise to adverse effects on human health or the marine environment. The ultimate aim is of achieving and maintaining concentrations in the marine environment at near background values for naturally occurring hazardous substances, and close to zero for human made hazardous substances.
While many measures have already been put in place to prevent these persistent contaminants from entering the environment (for example, bans on lead in petrol, marketing restrictions on the use of cadmium and mercury, a ban on the use of lindane), there are still reservoirs of these contaminants from legacy use in soils and sediments which are mobilised by various weather events.
International/domestic reporting
The UK Biodiversity Indicators have been reviewed in response to the latest goals and targets agreed under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The indicators are being adapted, with some new indicators being developed, to better align them with the monitoring framework for the GBF. The suite of biodiversity indicators is therefore expected to change ready for forthcoming UK national reports to CBD in 2026 and 2029.
Web links for further information
Thank you to the many people who have contributed by providing data and to the many colleagues who have helped produce this indicator.
Technical Annex
Inputs into the marine environment are estimated from concentrations and flow rates in rivers entering the sea and those from estuarine and coastal point sources. Riverine inputs reflect both point and diffuse sources upstream of the sampling point and tend to be strongly influenced by flow rates. Flow rates are heavily affected by rainfall patterns so year to year fluctuations in pollutant loads are likely.
The data presented relate to the UK as a whole; separate data are not readily available for England. Although data for total UK (direct plus riverine) inputs to the marine environment are available as lower and upper estimates, for ease of interpretation only upper (that is, maximum) values have been used in this assessment, rather than presentation of the data range for each substance. The values for each pollutant are converted to an index scaled to 100 at the start year of 1990, and then combined with a geometric mean.
Due to recent data availability, it has not been possible to update this indicator beyond 2019. This indicator uses annual averages so to be representative of the real-life conditions it is important to capture seasonal patterns in the monitoring otherwise the averages would be skewed. The coronavirus pandemic severely impacted monitoring efforts during 2020. In England, no riverine monitoring was carried out during the months of April through to September and sampling from October to December was extremely limited compared to previous years. Similarly in Northern Ireland, no monitoring was carried out in April and May and in Wales monitoring was not possible between from April to July. This is expected to have a significant impact on the 2020 data, and they have therefore not been included in the indicator.
There was also reduced monitoring in 2021 compared to previous (pre-pandemic) years. This was due to a number of factors including prioritisation of resources within the UK Administrations. The absence of data due to this reduction in monitoring made 2021 inputs appear low compared to previous years. The 2021 data have therefore not been included in the indicator.In 2022 this situation remained, meaning seasonal patterns and annual averages were not possible to determine for enough rivers. This was especially the case in England, where many rivers are located by nature of geography, and thus account for a significant proportion of the data. The confidence in the data is therefore low and it was determined not suitable for inclusion in the indicator.
Due to a complex cyber-attack that took place in December 2020, from which recovery is ongoing, it is not possible to report 2020, 2021, or 2022 monitoring data for Scotland.
Development plan
Since our previous publication we have adapted the language and visualisations used in this indicator, we are keen to hear from our users about these changes, as well as our published development plan, please email us.
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