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Status of priority species: relative abundance

Last updated: 2024

Latest data available: 2021


This indicator shows changes in the relative abundance of priority species in the UK for which data are available. Priority species are defined as those appearing on one or more of the biodiversity lists of each UK country (Natural Environmental and Rural Communities Act 2006 – Section 41 (England), Environment (Wales) Act 2016 section 7, Northern Ireland Priority Species List, Scottish Biodiversity List). The combined list contains 2,890 species in total. The priority species were highlighted as being of conservation concern for a variety of reasons, including rapid decline in some of their populations. The indicator will increase when the population of priority species grows on average and decrease when the population declines.

This indicator should be read in conjunction with the priority species distribution indicator which provides data on those UK priority species for which distribution information is available. The England version of this indicator has recently been updated with new data and methodology, which we expect to carry over into this indicator in due course.

Data for this indicator can be found in the published datafile.

Type of indicator

State indicator

Type of official statistics

Official statistics

Assessment of change

Measure Assessment Time period Result
Priority species abundance Long term 1970 to 2021 Deteriorating
Priority species abundance Short term 2016 to 2021 Little or no
overall change

The long-term assessment was made by comparing the 95% credible interval (CI) of the final year with the starting value of the indicator. As the credible interval around the final indicator value 37 (95% CI: 34, 39) is entirely below the starting value (100) the time series was assessed as decreasing.

The same approach was applied to the most recent five-year (2016 to 2021) period to assess the short-term change. As the credible interval for the most recent year (2021, 95% CI: 34, 39) spanned the value for five years previous (1970, 35) the indicator is assessed as no significant change.


Key results

Official lists of priority species have been published for each UK country. There are 2,890 species on the combined list; actions to conserve them are included within the respective countries’ biodiversity or environment strategies. This indicator shows the average change in 228 species (long-term) and 215 species (short-term) for which abundance trends are available.

By 2021, the index of relative abundance of priority species in the UK had declined to 37% of its base-line value in 1970, a statistically significant decrease (Figure 1). Over this long-term period, 19% of species showed a strong or weak increase and 58% showed a strong or weak decline (Figure 2).

Between 2016 and 2021, the indicator did not change significantly. The 2021 value of the indicator was 1 percentage point higher than the 2016 value. Over this short-term period, 47% of species showed a strong or weak increase and 35% showed a strong or weak decline (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Trend in the relative abundance of priority species in the UK, 1970 to 2021

Figure 1: Trend in the relative abundance of priority species in the UK, 1970 to 2021

Source: Bat Conservation Trust; British Trust for Ornithology; Butterfly Conservation; UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Defra; Joint Nature Conservation Committee; People’s Trust for Endangered Species; Rare Birds Breeding Panel; Rothamsted Research; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; The State of Britain’s Larger Moths 2021.

Notes about Figure 1

  • Figure 1 shows the two options for the smoothed trend (solid line) with their 95% credible intervals (shaded area).
  • Figure 1 includes individual measures for 228 priority species and shows the smoothed trend (solid line) with its 95% credible interval (shaded area). The width of the credible interval (CI) is in part determined by the proportion of species in the indicator for which data are available; the CI narrows as data become available for groups such as bats in the 1990s and widens as datasets such as the Rothamsted Insect Survey drop out before the final indicator year.
  • All species in the indicator are present on one or more of the country priority species lists (Natural Environmental and Rural Communities Act 2006 – Section 41 (England), Environment (Wales) Act 2016 section 7, Northern Ireland Priority Species List, Scottish Biodiversity List).
  • This indicator is not directly comparable with the previous publication; the number of species included in the composite index has increased from 224 in the 2021 UK Biodiversity Indicators update, to 228 in this latest update, with an additional 4 moth species added to the analysis.

Figure 2: Long-term and short-term changes in 149 priority species’ abundance trends for in England, 1970 to 2021

Source: Bat Conservation Trust; British Trust for Ornithology; Butterfly Conservation; UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Defra; Joint Nature Conservation Committee; People’s Trust for Endangered Species; Rare Birds Breeding Panel; Rothamsted Research; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; The State of Britain’s Larger Moths 2021.

Notes about Figure 2

  • Figure 2 shows the percentage of species within the indicator that have increased (weakly or strongly), decreased (weakly or strongly) or shown little change in abundance based on set thresholds of change.
  • All species in the indicator are present on one or more of the country priority species lists (Natural Environmental and Rural Communities Act 2006 – Section 41 (England), Environment (Wales) Act 2016 section 7, Northern Ireland Priority Species List, Scottish Biodiversity List).
  • This indicator is not directly comparable with the previous publication; the number of species included in the composite index has increased from 224 in the 2021 UK Biodiversity Indicator update, to 228 in this latest update, with an additional 4 moth species added to the analysis.


Further detail

The headline indicator (Figure 1) masks variation between the taxonomic groups. Figure 3 shows the index for each taxonomic group separately, generated using the same methods as the headline indicator. The taxonomic group indices show that moths have undergone the biggest decline, with an index value in 2021 that was only 16% of its value in 1970. Similar strong declines in moths were noted in the distribution indicator. Butterflies have also experienced a strong historical decline, with an index value in 2021 that was 32% of its value in 1976. These are counterbalanced by relative stability in the birds index (96% in 2021 relative to the base year of 1970) and the mammal index, which had a value of 81% in 2021 (relative to a base year of 1995).

Figure 3: Change in relative species abundance by taxonomic group, 1970 to 2021

Figure 3: Change in relative species abundance by taxonomic group, 1970 to 2021

Source: Bat Conservation Trust; British Trust for Ornithology; Butterfly Conservation; UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Defra; Joint Nature Conservation Committee; People’s Trust for Endangered Species; Rare Birds Breeding Panel; Rothamsted Research; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; The State of Britain’s Larger Moths 2021.

Notes about Figure 3

  • The line graphs show the smoothed trend (solid line) with its 95% credible interval (shaded area). The width of the credible interval is in part determined by the proportion of species in the indicator for which data are available; the CI narrows as data become available for groups such as bats in the 1990s and widens as datasets such as the Rothamsted Insect Survey drop out before the final indicator year.
  • The number of species included in each taxonomic group index are provided in brackets (mammals = 13 species; butterflies = 24 species; birds = 103 species; moths = 88 species).
  • All species in the indicator are present on one or more of the country priority species lists (Natural Environmental and Rural Communities Act 2006 – Section 41 (England), Environment (Wales) Act 2016 section 7, Northern Ireland Priority Species List, Scottish Biodiversity List).
  • This indicator is not directly comparable with the previous publication; the number of species included in the composite index has increased from 224 in 2021, to 228 here, with an additional 4 moth species added to the analysis.

Priority species are defined as those appearing on one or more of the biodiversity lists of each UK country (Natural Environmental and Rural Communities Act 2006 - Section 41 (England), Environment (Wales) Act 2016 section 7, Northern Ireland Priority Species List, Scottish Biodiversity List). The combined list contains 2,890 species in total. The priority species were highlighted as being of conservation concern for a variety of reasons, including rapid decline in some of their populations. Actions to conserve these priority species are included within the respective countries’ biodiversity or environment strategies.

Of the 2,890 species in the combined priority species list, the 228 for which robust quantitative time-series of relative species’ abundance are available are included in the indicator. These 228 species include birds (103), butterflies (24), mammals (13) and moths (88). This selection is taxonomically limited; it includes no vascular or non-vascular plants, fungi, amphibians, reptiles, or fish. The only invertebrates included are butterflies and moths. The species have not been selected as a representative sample of priority species and they cover only a limited range of taxonomic groups. The measure is therefore not fully representative of species in the wider countryside. The time series that have been combined cover different time periods, were collected using different methods and were analysed using different statistical techniques. In some cases, data have come from non-random survey samples. See the Technical annex for more detail.

The relative abundance of a species will increase when the population of the species grows; it will decrease when the population of the species declines.


Priorities for species and habitat conservation are set at a country level through country biodiversity or environment strategies. Each country has an identified list of priority species, which are of high conservation concern due, for example, to restricted range or population declines. The indicator therefore includes a substantial number of species that, by definition, are becoming less abundant.

Measures of abundance are more sensitive to change than measures of distribution (see the priority species distribution indicator). Nonetheless, if a threatened species that has been declining starts to recover, its distribution should stabilise, and may start to increase. If the proportion of species in the indicator that are stable or increasing grows, the indicator will start to decline less steeply. If the proportion declines, it will fall more steeply. Success can therefore be judged by reference to trends in both priority species indicators (abundance and distribution), as well as other information on other priority species for which there are insufficient data for inclusion in the indicator.

International/domestic reporting

The UK Biodiversity Indicators have been reviewed in response to the latest goals and targets agreed under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The indicators are being adapted, with some new indicators being developed, to better align them with the monitoring framework for the GBF. The suite of biodiversity indicators is therefore expected to change ready for forthcoming UK national reports to CBD in 2026 and 2029.



Thank you to the many people who have contributed by providing data and to the many colleagues who have helped produce this indicator.


Technical annex

For a more in-depth discussion of the methodology and data used in this indicator, please see Indicators of species abundance in England. A brief summary of these is presented in the following.


The measure is a composite indicator of 228 species from four broad taxonomic groups, see the published datasheet for a detailed breakdown of the species and groups included. The priority species identified in each of the four UK countries were highlighted as being of conservation concern for a variety of reasons, including their scarcity, their iconic nature or a rapid decline in their population. They are not representative of wider species in general. They do however include a range of taxonomic groups and will respond to the range of environmental pressures that biodiversity policy aims to address, including land use change, climate change, invasive species and pollution. The short-term assessment of change can be used to assess the impact of recent conservation efforts and policy aimed at halting and reversing species’ declines. However, natural fluctuations (particularly in invertebrate populations) and short-term response to weather may have a strong influence on the short-term assessment.

Regardless of advances in statistical techniques, there are likely to be species on the priority lists for which little monitoring or occurrence data are available. Reasons for this include rarity, difficulty of detection, or those for which monitoring methods are unreliable or unavailable. In order for the indicator to be more representative of priority species, a method of assessing the changing status of these remaining data-poor species would need to be considered.

The resulting index is an estimate of the geometric mean abundance, set to a value of 100 in the start year (the baseline). Changes subsequent to this reflect the average change in species’ abundance; if on average species’ trends doubled, the indicator would rise to 200, if they halved it would fall to a value of 50.

Data sources and species-specific time series

Robust population time series were sought for as many species on the combined 4 country biodiversity list as possible. The majority of these data have previously been published and many are used as part of the UK biodiversity indicator set currently; details of these analyses and the rules for species inclusion into the data sets are given in the following sections.

Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of the relative abundance datasets included in the indicator. They show the analytical methods used to generate the species time series in each dataset.

Although these vary in detail, the underlying method is similar. These datasets are generated largely from data collected by national monitoring schemes. In these schemes data are collected in a robust and consistent manner and the geographical coverage is good, with statistical approaches used to correct for biases in coverage.

These datasets are ideal for producing population time series for widespread species; however, in some cases the sample size is insufficient to generate time series for cryptic, rarer or more range restricted species.

Each scheme has a set of criteria to determine whether time series can be generated for each species and if they are sufficiently robust to be included in the published results of the scheme. Table 3 gives an overview of the quality of the data derived from each scheme. Further information about each monitoring scheme and the data analysis and results can be found in the references given at the end of this paper.

Bird time series are well documented and several data sources are available (Table 1). Some bird species are represented in more than one dataset. The order of the rows in Table 1 shows the hierarchy used, from top to bottom, to ensure that the most appropriate and robust data for each species was included in the indicator.

The majority of species time series start around 1970 and the date of the last available update is 2021. The Rothamsted moth data starts in 1968, but to avoid over representing these time series in the overall indicator, data were only used from 1970 onwards, and the time series were expressed as a proportion of the 1970 value. Some datasets begin later than 1970, for example the butterfly time series begin in 1976. The method of incorporating this variation in time period into the indicator is discussed in the Methodology section below. Some datasets do not continue until 2021.

The steep decline in many moth species has an effect on the indicator as a whole. The impact of this on the assessment was considered in the 2013 indicator publication: if moths were excluded from the indicator the short-term decrease assessed in 2013 between 2005 and 2010 was not significant, and the indicator would have been assessed as ‘no change’. Over 10 years, from 2000 to 2010, the indicator in 2013 without the moth data would have been slightly positive, but not sufficiently so to be assessed as an increase. This analysis has not been repeated, but it is likely that moths are having a very similar impact on the indicator.

Table 1: Summary of the analysis methods and criteria for species selection for bird datasets

Dataset and provider Time period Data Type Species selection method Analysis method
Time series used in current bird indicator - C5 Various Unsmoothed index and smoothed index   Various, depending on the original dataset, all those used are described below
Statutory Conservation Agency and RSPB Annual Breeding Bird Scheme (SCARABBS) Various Population estimates from 2 or more national surveys These surveys are designed to be in depth surveys for a particular species and so have sufficient data to allow population trends to be robustly estimated. Linear interpolation was used to estimate annual values for years between national surveys.
Common Bird Census (CBC)/Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) joint trends 1970 to 2021 Unsmoothed index and smoothed index   Unsmoothed population time series were generated from a log-link linear regression with Poisson errors fitted to site x year data (BTO 2014a).
Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) 1995 to 2021 Unsmoothed index and smoothed index Data from the BBS surveys were only included for species for which the BBS methodology is appropriate and which are recorded in on average 40 BBS squares per year of the survey period. Unsmoothed time series are estimated using a similar procedure to the CBC/BBS joint trends described (BTO 2014a).
Rare Breeding Birds Panel (RBBP) Various, largely 1970 to 2020 Annual estimate Species were removed where survey effort was thought insufficient to generate a reliable trend. Additionally, species where individuals were only infrequently present in the UK (taken as species where the maximum count was 10 or less and the median was 3 or less), were also removed. Linear interpolation was used to estimate any missing data.
Seabird Monitoring Panel (SMP) and Seabird censuses 1986 to 2019 Unsmoothed index Very small colonies and colonies where counting error is known, or suspected, to exceed 5% are excluded from SMP time series. The accuracy of time series obtained using the SMP sample was assessed by comparing them with data from 2 complete censuses of all breeding seabirds in the UK. A time series was rejected as inaccurate where a discrepancy of more than 15% occurred between the SMP estimate and the census figure (Thompson et al. 1997). For the majority of species, a combination of SMP and census data is used. The 2 census estimates are used, with linear interpolation for the intervening years. The SMP time series is anchored to the second census estimate and used in all subsequent years.
Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) 1970 to 2020 Unsmoothed index and smoothed index For core WeBS species there is a system of observer recorded quality of visit (visibility, areas missed) within WeBS, which excludes poor quality site visits. Only sites that have a good overall level of coverage are used (at least 50% of possible visits undertaken) Further species- specific details of analytical methods are published (BTO 2017; Maclean and Ausden 2006). As for BBS time series

Table 2: Summary of the analysis methods and criteria for species selection for other taxonomic groups

Group Dataset and provider Time period and Data Type Species selection method Analysis method
Moths Rothamsted Insect Survey light trap network (Rothamsted research) 1968 to 2021, Unsmoothed Index Data for 766 moth species were analysed using data from Rothamsted Insect Survey light trap network (Harrower et al. 2019). The 766 species that were analysed are mostly macro-moths as the majority of micro-moths had to be excluded due to inconsistencies in their recording over the time period. Of the species analysed 432 species produced reliable trends based on expert assessment of the underlying data and the analysis results. The Generalised Abundance Index (GAI) methodology proposed by Dennis et al. (2006) was used to produce UK abundance trends. This methodology involves estimation of standardised annual flight periods curves for each species. These flight curves are used to estimate the annual total abundance for each site whilst correcting for gaps in the surveying. Poisson regression models, with site and year explanatory variables, are then fitted to the estimated annual total abundance values to determine the abundance trends and also yearly abundance indices. Confidence intervals were produced by bootstrapping (1,000 samples).
Moths Butterfly Conservation Rare moth monitoring (BC) Approximately 2000 to 2020, Unsmoothed Index Expert opinion (Mark Parsons - Butterfly Conservation) was used to judge whether the number of sites monitored was sufficient to represent the national time series, given each species’ distribution. Site x year Log-linear Poisson regression models in TRIM (Pannekoek and van Strien 1996) were used.
Bats National Bat Monitoring Programme (Bat Conservation Trust) 1998 to 2021, Smoothed index A power analysis determined that across all surveys, a sample size of 30 to 40 repeat sites (surveyed for more than one year) would give sufficient data to calculate robust species time series. This would provide 90% power to detect a decline of 25% over 25 years (0.1 sig. level). Borderline cases are judged based on the quality of the time series, primarily from the confidence limits (Walsh et al. 2001, Bat Conservation Trust 2013). Data available  As BBS time series (Barlow et al. 2015). In addition, mixed models are used to investigate factors that could influence time series (e.g. bat detector make, temperature). Over dispersion is a problem for bat detector surveys, where a single bat repeatedly flying past the observer may give rise to a large count of bat passes. Based on the results of simulations a binomial model of the proportion of observation points on each survey where the species was observed is used.
Dormice National dormouse monitoring scheme (Peoples Trust for Endangered Species PTES) 1993 to 2021, Unsmoothed index and smoothed index   As BBS time series. Time series are estimated monthly. The data for June are used following advice from PTES.
Hedgehog Mammals on Roads (PTES) 2001 to 2018, Unsmoothed index and smoothed index   As BBS time series.
Hares Breeding Bird Survey (BTO) 1995 to 2021, Unsmoothed index and smoothed index Data from the BBS surveys were only included for species for which the BBS methodology is appropriate and which are recorded in on average 40 BBS squares per year of the survey period. Data available  Unsmoothed time series are estimated using a similar procedure to the CBC/BBS joint trends described (BTO 2014a).
Butterflies UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (BC) 1976 to 2021, Unsmoothed index Indices are calculated for butterfly species that have been recorded from 5 or more sites per year. The wider countryside butterfly survey has only 3 counts during summer and requires twice as many monitored sites to achieve comparable precision to the 26-week butterfly monitoring scheme. 430 monitoring sites on average are required to achieve 80% power (5% significance level) for detecting a 25% decline in abundance over 10 years. Data in Botham et al. 2020 Annual indices were derived from a log-linear Poisson regression model fitted to site x year data where GAMs were used to impute missing values (Dennis et al., 2015)
Water Vole National Water Vole Survey (VWT) 1989 to 1998, Periodic population estimates Not applicable National population estimates from two surveys in 1989 and 1998.

Table 3: Overview of monitoring schemes (based on a 2013 assessment)

Taxonomic group Dataset Number of sites (approx.) Survey design Field method
Moths Rothamsted moth survey (since 1968) 80 Consistent, Non-random Light trap
Butterflies Wider countryside butterfly survey (since 2007) 750 Consistent, Random Transect
  UK butterfly monitoring scheme (since1976) 1,000 Consistent, Non- random Transect
Mammals National Dormouse Survey (since 1993) 300 Consistent, Known sites Nest box search
  Breeding bird survey (since 1995) 2,400 Consistent, Random Transect
  National Bat monitoring scheme (since 1997) 1,300 Consistent, Random Various, field/ roost counts
  Mammals on Roads (since 2001) 500 Consistent, Random Transect
Birds Breeding bird survey (since 1995) 3,200 Consistent, Random Transect
  Common bird census (1970 to 2000) 300 Consistent, Non-random Territory mapping
  Seabird monitoring programme, (since 1986) seabird censuses (1969 ,1985 and 2000) Species specific Consistent, Non-random or Total Colony counts
  Wetland bird survey (since 1970) 3,000 Consistent, Non-random (or almost total for some species) Site counts
  Rare birds breeding panel (since 1970) Species specific Some variation over time, all or most known sites Site counts and individual records
  SCARABBS (since 1974) Species specific Consistent, stratified random, bespoke for species Various, transects



Table 4 gives a summary of the relationship between the number of species on the combined 4 country biodiversity list (FCL) and the number of these for which population time series are available.

As far as possible, previously published methods of indicator creation were used, both because these are well-established, are likely to have undergone peer review and allow comparison of this indicator with existing species indicators for birds (C5), butterflies (C6) and bats (C8). These methods are described briefly below and references are given for further information.

Table 4: Summary of species time series included in the Species Indicator

Taxonomic group Number of species on FCL Number of species on FCL with data and meeting criteria for inclusion
Birds 127 103
Butterflies 25 24
Mammals 26 13
Moths 174 88
Total 352 228

The methodology for producing the indicator involves converting the time series for each species in the indicator into an index. Each time series is scaled as a percentage of its value in its first year (i.e. the first year has an index value of 100 regardless of when a species was first included in the indicator). This enables all species to be brought together on an equal basis – common species and rarer species are thereby given equal weighting.

To create the composite index, a hierarchical modelling method for calculating multi-species indicators within a state-space formulation was used (Freeman et al. 2020). This method offers some advantages over the more traditional geometric mean method: it is robust, precise, adaptable to different data types and can cope with the issues often presented by biological monitoring data, such as varying start dates of datasets and missing values. It can be applied to multiple data types, improving the comparability between metrics derived from occupancy and abundance data. Case studies with four taxonomic groups show it to be robust to missing values, especially when these are non-random, for example when declining species are more likely to be missing observations in recent years or if recent colonists are absent earlier in the time series. Imputing missing values is informed by between-year changes in species for which data is available, consistent with shared environmental responses.

A smoothing process is used to reduce the impact of between-year fluctuations – such as those caused by variation in weather – making underlying trends easier to detect. The smoothing parameter (number of knots) was set to the total number of years divided by three. Six species’ time-series contained zeros, and eleven contained extremely low modelled values that represented zero counts; a total of 71 instances. As the model accepts the natural logarithm of the time-series values, 1% of the average value of the time series to the whole series of those species’ time series containing zeros (Loh et al., 2005). Zero counts prior to the first positive count were omitted.

The Freeman method combines the individual species’ abundance trends, taking account of the confidence intervals around the individual trends. However, the method is Bayesian, and therefore produces credible intervals to show the variability around the combined index.

Each species in the indicator was weighted equally. When creating a species’ indicator, weighting may be used to try to address biases in a dataset, for example, if one taxonomic group is represented by far more species than another, the latter could be given a higher weight so that both taxonomic groups contribute equally to the overall indicator. Complicated weighting can, however, make the meaning and communication of the indicator less transparent. The main bias on the data is that some taxonomic groups are not represented at all, which cannot be addressed by weighting. For this reason, and to ensure clarity of communication, equal weighting was used.

The overall trend shows the balance across all the species included in the indicator. Individual species within each measure may be increasing or decreasing in abundance (Figure 1). Estimates will be revised when new data or improved methodologies are developed and will, if necessary, be applied retrospectively to earlier years. Further details about the species that are included in the indicator, and the methods used to create the priority species’ indicator can be found in the technical background document.


Assessment of change

To illustrate the interspecific variation in trends, bar-charts are published alongside the indicators. These show the percentage of species showing different trends – strong increase, weak increase, little change, weak decrease, strong decrease – over two time periods (Table 5).

The long-term period is that since the start of the indicator (1970 in most cases) although for species entering into the indicator in subsequent years the period is shorter (the longest available trend is used, as long as it exceeds that used within the short-term change measure). The short-term period is the last five years of data (currently 2016 to 2021 or to the final year available). Where species’ time-series end prior to the short-term period no assessment was made. To estimate the long and short-term change for each species, annual species growth estimates were extracted from the indicator model, averaged across the relevant time-period and returned to the measurement scale.

The 5 trend class thresholds are based on average annual rates of change over the assessment period and are derived from the rates of decline used to assign species to the red and amber lists of Birds of Conservation Concern (Eaton et al. 2009). Asymmetric percentage change thresholds are used to define these classes as they refer to proportional change, where a doubling of a species index (an increase of 100%) is counterbalanced by a halving (a decrease of 50%).

Category Threshold Long term change
Strong increase An increase of more than 2.81% per annum Equivalent to an increase of more than 100% over 25 years
Weak increase An increase of between 1.16% and 2.81% per annum Equivalent to an increase of between 33% and 100% over 25 years
Little change Change is between +1.16 % and -1.14% per annum Equivalent to a change of between +33% and -25% over 25 years
Weak decrease A decrease of between 1.14% and 2.73% per annum Equivalent to a decrease of between 25% to 50% over 25 years
Strong decrease A decrease of more than 2.73% per annum Equivalent to a decrease of more than 50% over 25 years


Species list

The species list was derived from the biodiversity lists of the 4 UK countries. A link to the list for each country is provided below:

The species lists are unchanged from those used in the 2021 indicator analysis. The criteria for inclusion in each of the 4 biodiversity lists are derived largely from those used to identify the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP) priority species list, most recently in 2007, but there has been some divergence in approaches, see Table 6. For example, the Scottish biodiversity list and the Northern Ireland (NI) priority species list both have criteria based on rarity alone, whereas the UK BAP criteria did not consider rarity; rare species were only listed if they were considered threatened or declining.

For the purposes of this indicator, an inclusive approach has been taken, whereby a species only has to be included in one of the country lists to be included on the combined list. The Scottish Biodiversity list has a final criterion based on the importance of species to people, however, species designated under this criterion were not considered here. The taxonomic composition of the combined four country list (FCL) is shown in Table 7.

Some countries have included a small number of taxa below the species level (that is, sub-species) on their biodiversity lists. Such infra- specific taxa were only retained on the combined four country biodiversity list if the associated species was not included. For example, a sub-species of the willow tit (Poecile montanus) is included on the Welsh list, but it is a full species on the Scottish Biodiversity list, thus on the combined list only the full species was retained.

Table 6: The biodiversity lists of the 4 countries of the UK

Country Number of Taxa on country list Criteria for inclusion of species on list
England (Section 41 Species) 943 taxa On the 2007 UK BAP list
    Hen Harrier
Northern Ireland (NI) Priority Species List 481 taxa 1: On the 2007 UK BAP list
    2: Rapid decline of greater than or equal to 2% per year
    3: Decline of greater than or equal to 1 % per year and NI holds greater than or equal to 50% of Irish, or greater than or equal to 20 % of UK population or Irish/UK population restricted to NI
    4: Rare in NI (1 to 2 sites) and NI holds greater than or equal to 50% of Irish, or greater than or equal to 20% of UK population or Irish/UK population restricted to NI
    5: Greater than or equal to 20% of a well recognised sub-species in NI
    6: Irish Red data book species
    7: Red list Birds of Conservation concern Ireland or UK
Scottish Biodiversity List 2,090 taxa S1: On the 2007 UK BAP list
    S2: International obligation
    S3: Species defined as ‘nationally rare’ in GB/UK (less than 15 10 square kilometres), which are present in Scotland
    S4: Species present in less than or equal to 5 kilometres square or sites in Scotland
    S5: Decline of greater than or equal to 25% in 25 years in Scotland
    S6a: Endemic
    S6b: Endemic subspecies if also meets another criterion
Wales (Section 7 Priority species) 567 taxa International importance, IUCN Global Red List or Red listed in greater than or equal to 50% of EU countries where data is available or other source indicating international threat or decline
    International responsibility greater than or equal to 25% of EU/Global population in Wales and decline greater than or equal to 25% in 25 years in Wales
    Decline in Wales greater than or equal to 50% in 25 years
    Other for example decline and very restricted range
UK total (combined 4 country list) 2,890  

Table 7: Taxonomic breakdown of combined 4 country biodiversity list

Taxonomic group Number of species in group
insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 191
insect - butterfly 25
insect - dragonfly (Odonata) 4
insect - hymenopteran 103
insect - moth 174
insect - orthopteran 6
insect - other 4
insect - riverfly 8
insect - true bug (Hemiptera) 15
insect - true fly (Diptera) 94
other Invertebrate 233
amphibian 4
bird 127
fish 57
marine mammal 22
terrestrial mammal 26
reptile 10
Plants and fungi  
vascular plants 409
alga 254
stonewort 15
lichen 546
bryophytes 301
fungi 262
Total number of species 2,890

For a full species list, please see the published datafile.


Development plan

Since our previous publication we have adapted the language and visualisations used in this indicator. We are keen to hear from our users about these changes, as well as our published development plan, please email us.



  • Freeman, S., et al. (2020) A Generic Method for Estimating and Smoothing Multispecies Biodiversity Indicators Using Intermittent Data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 26, 71 to 89.
  • Hill, M.H. (2012) Local frequency as a key to interpreting species occurrence data when recording effort is not known. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(1), 195 to 205.
  • Isaac, N. J. B., van Strien, A. J., August, T. A., de Zeeuw, M. P. and Roy, D. B. (2014). Statistics for citizen science: extracting signals of change from noisy ecological data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
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  • Outhwaite, C.L., Powney, G.D., August, T.A., Chandler, R.E., Rorke, S., Pescott, O.L., Harvey, M., Roy, H.E., Fox, R., Roy, D.B. & Alexander, K. (2019). Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK, 1970–2015. Scientific Data, 6, 1 to 12.
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UK Biodiversity Indicators 2024

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